I was thinking of picking up a PCE, but not from these guys.
I'm honestly guessing at this point that their English speaking worker has changed, unless they are just shifty bastages who will try to cover up any problem that might exist.
Since they really did mail out my CGII, I am totally confused as to why they are playing games with me and not just being upfront with me. Ignoring customers, even ones you are not having 100% happy times with just doesn't seem like a way to treat someone trying in earnest to just figure out what is going on with their order...
Except for the fact that they sold me Anime Freak Vol 5 a long time ago with only disc 1, I have never had a problem dealing with Hit-Japan. When I had that bump it was a huge hassle though and they were adamant that it was a 1 disc "game" for the longest time.