Author Topic: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.  (Read 634 times)


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2008, 01:54:24 PM »
Tatsujin - Sylphia, eh? Wikipedia kinda sucks as far as Turbo stuff is concerned. I usually try it out first before simply hitting google. Sylphia looks gorgeous. If the animation & gameplay match the art style, this one looks like a winner. It already gets the pre-approved thumbs up from me since the name "Compile" is associated with it.

And what a unique concept for a shooter game! Perhaps I just haven't seen them all, but fairy shooter doesn't seem like it has its own sub-genre yet.

It has a mythological basis, like Phelios for the Genesis (but it's much better than Phelios).  Along with a lot of cool enemies, it boasts a great techno soundtrack.  But if you want a PCE CD vert by Compile, go with Spriggan first.  It's better than Sylphia and costs a lot less, and it feels more like Blazing Lazers and the other 16-bit Compile verts than Sylphia does. 

One last thought to share after seeing your name - I also own Ninja Spirit. Do I need to add it to the "to play" list?

Only if you want to play one of the coolest HuCard games ever.   :wink: - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games

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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2008, 03:06:52 PM »
Carbon Tiger - Thanks for the write-up. That is a lot of good information. I remember seeing something about Neotopia. It was probably a post on a message forum and was most likely pcenginefx. I like your term "stupidly overpriced." There are a lot of items on ebay that fetch way too much money. People on message boards tend to be a lot more fair than ebay when it comes to buy/sell/trade. The ironic thing is that message boards oftentimes contribute to the hype that causes prices to go up on ebay. It's a funny thing - this internet world of ours.

Yeah it is. But really when I see Neo II going for $50-$70 on eBay it just amazes me. Dynastic Hero I once saw break 100...let's not even get started on Cotton or any of the impossibly hard to find stuff. I mean it's gotten to the point where idiot sellers are over charging for stuff that isn't even that rare.

I've gotten some good deals on eBay from the Japan sellers but the best deals I've ever gotten for this system is on this board. 

If a game exists in English, I wouldn't mind trying to land the English version. Of course when games go for that much money, it is tough to fork over the cash for something you plan to give a try.

Right and not all the games go for ridiculous amounts of cash either but there is more you gotta wait/get lucky on getting them for a fair price then there probably should be. 

So I'm still trying to figure out exactly how you feel about YsIV. j/k. Seriously though - That English patch thing sounds really cool. Roms get patches all the time, but it's not like people can write out their own ROM to play a NES or SNES game or something on the official hardware. Patching an RPG for English and then loading it up on the "real thing" sounds totally sweet.

It is. I found my old briefcase CD/PC-E set up to be real touchy about what CD-Rs it would load. It really can vary a bit. I had to try a few brands and I've read some people it loads up no problem others have to fiddle a bit with the burning process/medium. 

YsIV is totality worth it imo I think the game was fantastic it took everything from Ys I &II that worked and polished it to a mirror shine.

I actually do own Valis 3, but it is for Genesis. Is there much of a difference?

I'd say the PC-E version has smoother graphics, much better music and a better presentation. Play wise their about the same I'd say but I'm sure some would disagree. :) 

That's quite a list you provided. Appreciate it - once again.

No problem glad to help.
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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2008, 03:28:44 PM »
Tatsujin - Sylphia, eh? Wikipedia kinda sucks as far as Turbo stuff is concerned. I usually try it out first before simply hitting google. Sylphia looks gorgeous. If the animation & gameplay match the art style, this one looks like a winner. It already gets the pre-approved thumbs up from me since the name "Compile" is associated with it.

And what a unique concept for a shooter game! Perhaps I just haven't seen them all, but fairy shooter doesn't seem like it has its own sub-genre yet.

check this out! :)

btw, you as the compile-crack, does you know where the official (japanese) compile database (with all their game history) is gone? can't find it anymore :|
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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2008, 03:48:55 PM »
Goodness gracious - I'd have to sell my car if I wanted to buy Sylphia!

Tatsujin - Negative. It is sad that the company is gone now, and resources seem to be scattered everywhere across the globe. You've got the websites for companies founded by former employees plus fan sites that are based out of various places in Europe (Like this one for shooters). I am sure that official list is somewhere. Wish I had it saved. There actually are a fair amount of games to collect. If you go after various releases of the same game across different platforms and countries, you have a LOT of work to do. I have so much collecting in front of me, it is crazy.

I should have saved a list rather than assume it would always be there (on the net). That official list is "officially" 404'ed for me at the moment.

Interesting to note that Sylphia - a game I didn't pursue due to the lack of information out there for it compared to say...Zanac or Aleste - is actually a subject of a debate among various people. Is it or is it not a Compile game? Weird....
« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 03:56:34 PM by CkRtech »


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2008, 03:58:06 PM »
To Compile or not to Compile. That is the question.


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2008, 04:08:39 PM »
Interesting to note that Sylphia - a game I didn't pursue due to the lack of information out there for it compared to say...Zanac or Aleste - is actually a subject of a debate among various people. Is it or is it not a Compile game? Weird....

There has been a lot of debate on that over the years, but the truth of the matter is that it is in fact a Compile shooter, confirmed by Kaminari in the last post in this thread: - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2008, 04:10:48 PM »
yo..somewhere i have a give-away cd from the compile-both (Tokyo game show 2000 or 2001) which contain a full backup of the old compile webpage as HTML. unfortunately i can't find this cd anymore. but i was very sure, that sylphia was listed on that list of game-history.

who exactly did what in that game may be burried together in the companys grave forever :cry:
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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2008, 04:14:16 PM »
none the less. as for my personal feeling it must be a compile shooter, since all in it is programmed in best and typical compile awesomness! :mrgreen:
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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2008, 04:22:03 PM »
nat - I am tempted to put your "Hamlet's thoughts on Compile - by nat" quote in my signature.

runinruder - Excellent pull! Man....I am tempted to just start my own Compile website. You might say I am tempted to compile a Compile website. That was terrible. In any case - there should be a better "go to" resource for Compile. I pretty much have to just jump around to get my information (though Hardcore Gaming 101's write-up is useful).

Tatsujin - Ahhhhhhhh. You've got to find that CD! You don't have a box or storage bin somewhere that contains your "Tokyo game show stuff," do you? Do you recall picking up anything odd from the show that may have that CD stored with it? i.e. you picked up a few famicom games and stored them with your famicom stuff and that CD got tossed with it? Or maybe you put it inside an empty Turbo Duo, Sega CD, PSX case, etc...for safe keeping? You have a 3 disc RPG here somewhere....and inside the case is the Compile CD. It's taking up the forth spot usually occupied by only the manual....?

...just trying to help you think where it might be....


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2008, 05:11:13 PM »
Interesting to note that Sylphia - a game I didn't pursue due to the lack of information out there for it compared to say...Zanac or Aleste - is actually a subject of a debate among various people. Is it or is it not a Compile game? Weird....

Sylphia was def on the Compile game history page before the cache was taken down. It's enough to convince me but as Tatsujin mentioned we don't know which Compile members contributed to the game. Compile did alot of subcontracting work for companies like Sega and PonyCa, and sometimes failed to add their names to the credits.


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Re: Got a Japanese Turbo Duo and some games. Have questions.
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2008, 05:22:57 PM »
runinruder - Excellent pull! Man....I am tempted to just start my own Compile website. You might say I am tempted to compile a Compile website. That was terrible. In any case - there should be a better "go to" resource for Compile. I pretty much have to just jump around to get my information (though Hardcore Gaming 101's write-up is useful).

Hardcore Gaming 101 is a good source on Compile game, but it has 2 bits that needs editing. I've been trying to contact the maintainer of the site but obviously doesn't like checking email.

To take advantage of the superior power of the MSX2, Compile released Zanac EX, a remake of the original. For all intents and purposes, it's almost exactly the same as the NES game, although the graphics are a bit different.

Zanac EX is not a remake. It's a direct squeal to the original MSX1 version. Same applies to the Zanac on the FC/Nes since it's essentially the same as Zanac EX.

Like many Compile titles, Golvellius originated on the MSX. The structure is somewhat similar to the Sega Master game, but the level layout is entirely different. The biggest annoyance is that, when you get hit, Kelesis will freeze in his spot, vulnerable to further enemy attacks - most of the time you end up dying from a single enemy encounter. Somewhat lame.

Moron didn't even bother to actually play the game. Otherwise, he would know that until you pickup the Zest Boots you'll always freeze when an enemy hits you.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 05:25:41 PM by rolins »