My first Turbografx was a Turbografx 16, purchased in 92. I didnt have many games at the time. I owned of course Keith Courage, also had super star soldier, ninja spirit, air zonk - probably a few others I can't remember now. Loved the system, but I was at the time a die-hard Genesis fan, and I didnt think that the games were as good as the Genesis so I sold my system/games.
I regretted that decision for about 3 years when in 95' I traded my Sega Genesis/CD for a TurboDUO. I loved it. Had the games it came with plus Lords of Thunder, Y's, Exile, and a few others. I eventually sold that, because by then the Playstation was taking off, and I wanted the new system. So I took the money and prepurchased the Playstation before it even came out so that I could get it on the first day.
Those were the last of my days cashing in my games. So over 10 years now, I have been slowly collecting all the games that I used to have when I was younger, and never got rid of ANY of them (unless they were dupes or totally horrid).
Now I have a collection of about 350 console games to enjoy (we won't count the thousands of roms), most of them old school. I don't currently own any of the newest gen systems (unless you count the 3 DS', but the WII sure looks tempting (only for the virtual console games).
OK, that's enough about me.