I finally procured a fairly nice LT with a great screen and speakers. Already owning about 10 PC-Engines, I'm not sure how often I should play with the LT. It's easy and convenient and I love it, but I'm not sure how pixels start burning out and the like.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Well, clearly, you don't want to abuse the LT. At least, I wouldn't. So I wouldn't play the most frustrating games on it (you know, the ones where you are smashing the buttons and offering to sell your soul just to make it to the next level).
I have a bunch of systems (no LT though
) and I simply rotate them. It is fun to change things up every now and then. I suggest you simply put the LT in rotation. If you don't play many HuCards, then make the LT your go-to console until the novelty wears off (if it does).
Otherwise, I'd use the LT in situations where it is more convenient to play than TV + console. My dining room table is one of my favorite spots in the house, so I'd use an LT there if I had one.