That's the type of converter that I have, and while it gets the job done, it has its drawbacks. The HuCard slot was cobbled together from a double sided slot meant for something else; consequently, a small bit of pcb was glued in at one end to make it the correct width and the bottom was ground down to provide the necessary clearance. The width modification is fine, but the rough surface on the bottom tends to scratch up the bottom side of HuCards worse than a 'real' slot. Also, the card end connections corrode much quicker than a HuCard's, so it has to be cleaned a bit if unused for a while. Still, it gets the job done and is okay at the right price and if you prefer to leave your console unmolested, want to use it with multiple Duos/TG-16s/Expresses, and/or don't want to have yet another console connected to your television.
Here's a link to a better deal:
It can also be had for a similar price from its manufacturer,
Telegames. Shipping might be a bit stiff though, considering both of these companies are in Europe.