Author Topic: Fighting game conversions  (Read 653 times)

Michael Helgeson

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Fighting game conversions
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2005, 07:39:29 PM »
LOL,I didnt notice,I was looking at overall graphic quality.The Snes is a hybrid of Champ and Hyper anyway.Ive alwasy loved just plain normal Champion Edition the most,and on my monitor the Pc Engine composite res is sharper the the Snes running on S-video which I have always felt as sad.Not just that but it seemed to me like the details were just sharper,shades and all.Basically I feel the Pc-Engine just produced a cleaner sharper picture.This si however my opinion,on my set-up,and you will obviously be using a different tv monitor or for that matter cheat and play on a emu......