Author Topic: Just put up a few things on eBay...  (Read 163 times)


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Just put up a few things on eBay...
« on: August 04, 2009, 01:54:56 PM »
Purple Barney Region Converter
PC Engine Duo w/ Region Switch
TurboGrafx w/ RCA Composite Video Mod

Friendly full disclosure -- The consoles are repaired units, the Duo needed cap replacements and the TG had a mobo crack inside from whatever damage caused the dents in the top and the crack in the front.  Both work fine now and have been play tested by my kiddos.  ;-)

I have a bunch more stuff up there too, but the pricing is a little high to adjust for the ebay fees... lemme know if you see something interesting and we'll work something out that doesn't involve feeding the ebay beast.

Webhost by day, ( retro gamer by night.