I am selling a few PCE / MCD games NTSC-J imports. Generally M/NM condition. Spine card included where specified. Shipping costs to be agreed. Send me a PM if anything interests you.
EDIT - All the PCE games sold as a bulk lot to Hardcore Otaku. Thankyou and enjoy your gaming goodness PC Engine SCD
Faussete Amour w/spine £60
Pop n Magic w/spine £35
Winds of Thunder w/spine £30
CD Denjin w/spine £20
Spriggan Mk 2 no spine £30
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (River City Ransom) no spine £60
Choaniki w/spine £20
Gradius II Gofer w/spine and stickers £25
Horror Story (Toaplan port) £30
Tenchi wo Kurau no spine £30
Super Darius II w/spine £35
Double Dragon II The Revenge w/spine £35
R Type Complete CD w/spine £15
Forgotten Worlds no spine £10
I also have Fatal Fury 2 Arcade CD (free with any other purchase)
PC Engine CD
Valis II £5
Valis III £5
Altered Beast w/spine £15
Shubibinman III no spine £10
Rainbow Islands w/spine £55
Spriggan w/spine £35
Super Darius no spine £10
Sidearms Special w/spine £10Sega Mega CD
Ninja Warriors no spine £12
Final Fight CD w/spine £12
Sol Feace £6
Dennin Aleste w/spine £12
Silpheed w/spine £12
Sonic CD w/spine £12
Bari Arm w/spine £12
Starblade (new/sealed) £10
Prince of Persia w/spine £5 or free with another purchase
Star Wars Rebel Assault w/spine £5 or free with another purchase