Author Topic: Any advice on CDRs?  (Read 301 times)


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Any advice on CDRs?
« on: July 02, 2005, 07:37:58 AM »
Does anybody have a recommendation on a brand of CDR to use for Duo games? I know most of the stuff out there now is pretty cheaply made and the surfaces are extremely light. On top of that, my drive burns at a minimum of 8x.

I really want to play the English translation of Ys IV on real hardware not to mention I was working on rebuilding soundtracks to a couple of games (much like the Ys I+II alternate soundtrack floating around).

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Re: Any advice on CDRs?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2005, 11:49:02 AM »
Quote from: "Leroy"
Does anybody have a recommendation on a brand of CDR to use for Duo games? I know most of the stuff out there now is pretty cheaply made and the surfaces are extremely light. On top of that, my drive burns at a minimum of 8x.

I really want to play the English translation of Ys IV on real hardware not to mention I was working on rebuilding soundtracks to a couple of games (much like the Ys I+II alternate soundtrack floating around).

If this question is considered "red" go ahead and delete it and accept my apologies.

I've just used plain ol' Memorex disks for my RIGG patched Ys and XAKIII disks.

It doesn't matter much, unless you're planning on doing long archival of them.  Most of them are made in the same factories of China.  The better disks tend to come from companies liek Taiyo Yuden (of Japan) but they are also more costly.


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Any advice on CDRs?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2005, 04:15:12 PM »
Yea, it really doesn't matter, long as its some name brand. I know Duo;s can be picky about playing CDR's, but it has nothing to do with the brand.


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Any advice on CDRs?
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2005, 03:29:42 PM »
I'd say the lighter the playing surface the better. Don't use plain tops because they scratch too easily.