I just got back from Japan and picked up a mint, boxed PC Engine Duo-R with all original cords/adapters plus an Avenue 6 Pad (for only $118 dollars! its crazy to think of how cheap these are in Japan compared to what people sell them for in the US and on eBay)...anyway my question is, is it safe to use this in the US since the power is different (110 volts US, 100 volts Japan)? The only info I could find online is that the extra 10 volts isn't enough to make a difference, and I have been using it a little bit and it works fine, I am just worried about overheating it or blowing it up at some point in the future. Also I got a Famicom too, so would the safety factor apply to that too?
Other questions I had come up: About the Avenue 6 Pad...what exactly is this for? Are there games that need 6 buttons? Why is there only 2 turbo settings for buttons 1 and 2, as opposed to my American TG-16 that has 3 turbo settings (which seem to be crucial for some parts of Bonk 1 and 2)? And what is the other switch that lets you switch between A and B? The only thing I can get that to do is make the character I am playing as wiggle around really fast!
Also, I got a few Japanese HuCard games where there is a lot of text (in particular Neutopia 2), are there any translation guides anywhere (I haven't been able to find any so far)?
Finally, I got some pretty expensive Super CD games (Dracula X and a few others), what is the best way to back these up? I am worried about damaging the original discs....is there a preferred CD-R brand?