well, a broken CD-ROM unit isn't worth it, lol. Repairing/fixing it results in $$$ spent, and pains in the ass.
If you can find a working CD-ROM + interface unit for <100$, it would be worth buying if you reallllly like its look. That is why I got one. It was like 200$ but it came with the breifcase, the TG-16, and the CD-ROM stuff...... so I sold the spare TG-16. This was like, 6 or 7 years ago.
Region mod the TG-16, get cheap ass Japanese Sys3 and Arcade Card........ success!
But, one day I know my CDROM is going to croak, and that is what the Duo-R is for.
If you are short on cash, hold off on any TG-16 CD solutions and get the Duo-R....or RX
You want practical and reliable solutions before "but it looks cool!" solutions
If you have the cash for both, then screw it, get both!
Then get a japanese briefcase setup also