Yea,I will be doing alot of shipping from the ebay auctions this coming Monday or Tuesday,which is when I will be sending out your cd drive shell.Pretty much trying to let people make payments so I can do most of the shipping in one day.I pre fill out all the shipping labels,delivery confirmation and so on,so that helps save time at the post office,at least.
Yea,nail polish is evil.Oops is too.We used Oops to clean Snes carts back when I managed a game store,and found that when used on black abs plastic,like Genesis systems and games,it would cause this melting looking damage to the plastic.Normal orange cleaner works good,but wont really get the white to shine out real well.Mainly just bleach.That is your only hope,when it comes to PC engine faded yellow.
O yea,going to add this to my post here.There is a plastic restorer,made by Novis,that we laserdisc collectors use to keep the disc shiny new looking.Novis makes different grades of the tsuff,but basically you can use it on ANYTHING! It does a great job of bring out a better look on old plastic.You can buy the stuff on ebay.Much cheaper then from the factorys website.