That reminds me, since we're talking games with prices inflated by Huffy Bike pumps, what is it about Radiant Silvergun that makes it so expensive?
Radiant Silver gun is expensive. I wouldnt call it a rare game, maybe un-common. But the deal is that its developed by Treasure, and its the best shooter on the system, not to mention one of the best vertical shooters released period.
-The mechanical design in this game is off the charts, [just look at the player ships] graceful and elegant fighters.
-uses a kind of unique weapons system where you dont, upgrade through powerups, but start the game with a full arsenal of weapons assigned to each of the buttons on the pad. using the right weapon for the right situation is the whole key.
-I wont go on and on because maybe you know all this shit already, but one more thing...if its one thing I've noticed about turbo players, its that they love their BG music. RS has some of the best tracks youll ever here...real epic sounding stuff, it just give this overall incredible feeling to the game. everything really plays well together, especially the heavy emphasis on characters and story.
-its Radiant Silvergun