Alright, I know there have been CD-R threads here before, but the last one more or less dissolved into a quasi-flamewar about the speed of the duo CD drive.
What I want to talk about here are issues with burned CDs on the TG-CD. I've had extremely varied experience with trying to get burned CDs to load on my TG-CD. The game I've been experimenting with almsot exclusively is the 3-in-1, and yes, I'm using an Arcade Card Pro w/kisado adapter, and I *have* gotten the game to load, and normal TG-CD games work fine.
So- my first attempts at burning the 3-in-1 were made on standard silver CD-R discs, Maxell brand if I remember correctly. I burned first at 48x, and had no luck loading the disc. I then stepped down to 8x (the minimum speed my burner allows) and still had no luck. (I've heard reports of some systems not properly reading discs burned at higher speeds; this is probably due to a difference in the contrast of the dye due to a shorter time being exposed to the laster) This didn't work, so I tried another brand of CD-R. Burning at 8x with an IBM CD-R worked, more or less. The disc appears to be a 'gold' from the top, but I think it may jsut be dyed yellow. The bottom is a yellowish green, as opposed to the blueish green from the previosu discs.
So "sort of?" you might ask. The disc loaded, though a bit slowly (admittedly I was used to load times on the duo, which we have established are slightly better due to a faster laser seek time). The disc worked well, CD-audio and all. However, as time went on, the performance degraded, the disc took longer to load, the delay between the spotlight and the applause was longer, etc. At first I was worried, but then I attempted to play a normal disc (Ys books I and II) and it worked flawlessly. Sure, I imagine my player may have degraded slightly, but it still works quite alright. So, the question I have here is:
What experience does everyone have here with *specific brands* of CD media, and what burn speeds do you all use? In many cases I've heard reports of GOLD discs reading more consistently in different players (CD-Audio) than the cheaper silver discs. This could be the case here. I would *love* to get some RICOH CD-R discs, but apparently they no longer make that media. Very disappointing. Do any of you even know where I can purchase high quality gold CD Media these days? I'm having a hard time finding anything other than bulk spindles of silver discs with a thin coating on top. Help, guys!