Still looking for the games in 1st post.
Here's just a small sample of my trade offerings:
PCE Titles (complete with Game, Case and Manual):
Ai Chouaniki / 愛・超兄貴 SCD NSCD5018
Arcade Card Pro / アーケードカードPRO Hu PCE-AC2
Bouken Danshaku Don - The Lost Sunheart / 冒険男爵ドン サン=ハート編 THE LOST SUNHEART Hu IM92001
Detana! TwinBee / 出たな!ツインビー Hu KM92004
Gate Of Thunder / ゲート オブ サンダー SCD HCD2025
Magical Chase / マジカルチェイス Hu PL91001 (1st version)
Out Run / アウトラン Hu NAPH-1016
Rayxanber II / ライザンバーII CD2 DWCD1001
Rayxanber III / ライザンバーIII SCD DWCD 2002
Serei Senshi Spriggan / 精霊戦士SPRIGGAN CD2 NXCD 100
Shinobi / 忍 Hu AS01001
Tatsujin / タツジン Hu TP04022
Complete In Box US Titles (Box, Case or Tray, Manual, and Game):
Air Zonk Hu TGX040084
Cadash Hu TWG040501
Dragon's Curse Hu TGX020039
Ghost Manor Hu TGX040076
Legendary Axe II Hu TGX020048
Neutopia 2 Hu TGX060078
Order of the Griffon Hu TGX040072
Parasol Stars Hu TWG030701
R-Type Hu TGX040011
Shockman Hu TGX040087
Soldier Blade Hu TGX040082
Turrican Hu ATGX04TUT
Valis II CD2 TGXCD1006/849-0073
Valis III CD2 TGXCD1024
Ys Book I & II Retail CD2 TGXCD1002
I also have lots of hardware for trade.