I have perfect eyesight, but even in optimum conditions I find games really hard to play on the GT to the same standard I can play on a TV. To be honest, after modding my Nomad, the screens are now really miles apart, and the GT has fallen out of favour.
No way I'm going to open up my GT short of saving its life, but I've been thinking more of some kind of portable mod, and I've now got a stash of 5 stand-alone core units, 3 PCE, 2 Core II's. I'm going to mod some/all of them for RGB, and probably sell a couple to cover costs and lend a few out to friends (growing the PCE fanbase can't be a bad thing). That leaves me at least one spare to mess around with.
So, the options are:
Part one:
White PCE or Core II?
The White PCE can do everything the Core II can do, but is lighter, and I assume has less inside. No idea why/how, but this would make it better for a portable unless anyone has any ojections (caveat; making as realistic LT copy as possible, the grey Core II would look nicer).
Part 2:
Form factor
I still like the idea of the LT copy, as it allows a big protected screen, but it's the most technically challenging in my eyes. Since I have no idea how to connect the screen through a hinge, or even how to make a hinge, I'd ideally re-use a similar hinged screen (even if the screen itself needed to be replaced). I've been unable to source a suitable screen though. The Gamecube screens come close, but they're ever so slightly larger than the PCE. The other options include setting a screen into the top of the case, having a portable screen (duo monitor style), or creating a full-on Ben Hack style portable (not even close to the needed resources).
Part 3:
The goddamn screen.
The PCE is something like 6.5" in diameter (can't remember exactly), so it will fit a far larger screen than the 3.5" I used in my Nomad, and indeed may look a bit silly with such a large bezel.
However, the progression into decent, cheap, low power TFTs has gone hand in hand with the adoption of Widescreen, and the real estate would be far better served with 4:3. I just cannot find a source of screens with TFT, composite (or even RGB) input in 4:3. Ben Heck forums were not much help either.
the playstationOne screen came close, but it has a stupid-large bezel because of its whacky circuit board.
Part 4:
The power
I still don't know what kind of power this will all require. It must be different to the GT, even though it has less to do. I wonder if it's possible to reduce the amount of power it consumes somehow. Any experts out there know anything that can be streamlined?