i ordered a 6 button arcade stick from japan. on the top of the controller it has 6 turbo selector switches with three positions each. the top position is marked "H" the middle position is marked "T" and the bottom turbo switch mode is marked "off"
I got this from someone reputable in japan that said it works and was tested and I should double check the slide switches at the top. I dont know how to set the switches. It seems like no matter what configuration the turbo switches are in the game character is completly spazzing out on his own. The games I have that require 2 buttons (attack and jump) so I assume I would put the other four buttons I dont use in the "off" position. what am I missing?
It's one of those controllers that has adapters to plug into a few other types of systems, so maybe it is glitched and it works on other consoles without errors. Maybe it was also tested that way. I have the manual but it is in japanese and is only one page. Any input would help. Thanks