Hypocrite is a strong world. I'm not really saying that.
I think its more like...a guy complaining about the cholera he contracted from drinking water taken from the same river he shits in. He probably doesn't make the connection, or doesn't realize he can do something about it.
As for who I'm complaining about. Well, to be honest its really some emotional baggage I had regarding the entire culture of complaining about eBay while at the same time spending tons of money on it. I'm just taking out my frustration over 10+ years of people bitching about high prices that they themselves contribute to by the very act of bidding at all (never mind actually sniping).
I mean, some 20 year old f*ck with a big beard and a GI Joe tattoo complaining about how, I don't know, Dynastic Hero, a game he wasn't even aware of 3 years ago, is too expensive so now he'll never be able to complete his collection. Its not his fault, of course, its the fault of all the other shitheads on eBay...I'm really sick of that crap. This thread...is more of that crap.