Author Topic: Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN  (Read 281 times)


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Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:02:36 AM »
I went to the school and then back to town hall, but I can't get the mayor, or anyone else, to come along with me. I can't find a way to get anyone to go with me, I'd be gratefull if anyone can tell us what I'm doing wrong.


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Re: Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2012, 05:11:08 AM »
What are you trying to do exactly?  You don't get team members, it's a solo quest.  At certain spots certain characters have to be met at certain places, but they just appear there, they don't follow you.  Granted I only made it to the raft, once the game world become go anywhere at any time, I gave up lol.  Worst passwords ever.
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Re: Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 07:31:46 PM »
What are you trying to do exactly?  You don't get team members, it's a solo quest.  At certain spots certain characters have to be met at certain places, but they just appear there, they don't follow you.  Granted I only made it to the raft, once the game world become go anywhere at any time, I gave up lol.  Worst passwords ever.

I understand that. I was just trying to figure out why no one would come to me and it turns out I might have forgotten to talk to the priest guy before I talked to the mayor, so I had to go back and forth like a dumbass. And then before the end of the game the stupid sack of shite just runs off back to the town hall, which means another two journeys back and forth ! UGH

I figured out how to do this eventualy, but dear god is the game anal about procedure. I mean does it realy expect you to talk to that native american guy multiple times before the guy in the castle even appears ?

And that's not getting to the worst thing about the game: a glitch no one seems to bring up. I've read about the exp thing, but this one actualy doesn't kill you just screws you. I basicly was at the end of the game, right before the last boss. And when I talked to one of the characters in the church like I needed to to kill the thing in the town hall first, my inventory got wiped clean. I couldn't select any of my weapons in the menu (I could in combat though), could select none of the health items or food I had on me, the plot crucial medalion pieces I found suddenly became invisible, and worst of all my raft dissapeared. I had it parked outside the church and the moment my inventory overflowed the raft just faded out of existence, and given that the final boss is at an area that can only be acessed via raft, I was well and truly screwed.

It took alot of continues to find that out though.

The game's not bad, but the amount of going back and forth between several locations just to get one person to tag along is way over my head, and the game pulls one more by making you have to go to the last boss door through a several story annoying as hell to navigate labyrinth, then go back to the starting point and go back again just to face the final boss. And I ask you, why was this necessary again ?

Also the final boss, while different then the other stuff I was killing up to that point, still wasn't that memorable.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 07:34:02 PM by apachacha »


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Re: Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 04:45:53 AM »
Meh that's nothing try playing the MSX version.  It's amazing as you can get sucked into random battles without even moving.  Like just put the controller on the ground, and you'll have constant random battles.
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Re: Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 05:34:22 AM »
Meh that's nothing try playing the MSX version.  It's amazing as you can get sucked into random battles without even moving.  Like just put the controller on the ground, and you'll have constant random battles.

That's because the game rolls a random number to decide whether or not a battle should start every real world second, methinks. At least that's what I read about it.

Still the sequel seems to be alright so far, if a bit unfair.


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Re: Rescuing people in SHIRYŌ SENSEN
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2012, 11:41:37 AM »
A translation for this game would rule!
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).