Author Topic: Hypothetical: Let's say you bought a game online, and in the mail arrives...  (Read 605 times)


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Notify the seller. If it is an item you want, make him/her an offer (reasonable, please) so they have an option to not have to pay extra shipping (to get their item back and send out your correct item). Besides, your honesty might look good in an eBay comment.
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Wow. Ok, I'd never do that here, but on eBay...  Maybe.  Depends.  I actually have a secret shame. My copy of Shubibinman 2 and Puznic were free.  At the time I was pretty poor, and I sent payment to Japan via postal order.  The guy sent it back because he couldn't accept it, but in the meantime I became unemployed, had to uproot and move back with my parents, and now that account is long gone and even though I could pay now, I have no way of unf*cking a genuinely good seller.

I'm actually gonna put some more effort in to finding him now.


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So he sent the games to you by accident? lol


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Several international sellers I have dealt with in the past were keen on sending extras, especially with bulk purchases. I remember ordering one loose famicom game and receiving two freebies... when I inquired why I got 3 carts instead of just the one I ordered, he said it was because he really liked the game I bought and wanted to give me a couple more he enjoyed. It's a nice gesture and a fun surprise.

I guess this all depends on the situation. If it is an obvious mistake, it's good to correct it. I know if I accidentally sent off a stack of thousand dollar bills dipped in liquid diamonds instead of that loose Keith Courage my dog chewed up, I would be  ](*,)

Black Tiger

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I have had wrong items sent in place of particular ones within bulk orders in the past. Each time I informed the seller and either kept the wrong item if I could use it or exchanged it for the correct one when it was something I really needed.

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I am a member of the occupy movement, so I think the answer is "it depends."

Click on the seller's recently ended auctions.  Is the seller a mega-seller that is on ebay to make $$$ and resell and hurt the value of games?  If so, OCCUPY and f*ck em.

Mwuhahaha!  Stick it to the man!

I'd still contact the seller and tell him about his mistake, though; I'd just make it as expensive and time consuming as I could for him wasting my time.
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call them and ask if they want to pay for freight back, if you want the game offer to pay a good price but not being a dick to rip them off. my family and i sometimes rely on that extra cash parts may bring in, so to lose a valuable item really for the occupy guy, if you dont like dealing with someone running a business, and you are willing to f*ck him over like that, why would you be buying from them in the first place?
I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the f*cking car.


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Clearly, this scenario raises some interesting ethical questions.

I think the best response would be: Take the ill-gotten game* and RAFFLE it off here at the forum.

*Don't kick me. I couldn't resist.
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I once bought a copy of Deep Blue but the seller instead sent me a large turd, I messaged to let them know they'd accidently sent me something considerably more valuable but they said it was fine.


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I would notify the seller, as he probably put the wrong labels on two packages, and while I meant to buy a copy of Blazing Lazers and got Dracula X instead, the other guy is opening his package and fuming.

Now, if this is some huge corporation instead of an individual seller? f*ck em, I'll keep it.