Author Topic: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)  (Read 379 times)


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There are several ways to play through this game; I am going to demonstrate the most intelligent way. Here goes.

Explaining the first level in detail is relatively pointless, as most people have probably already done it... get the tires back. Easy peasy. Just be careful of Byron's bad collision detection. Collect cans. Get gas at the end.

EDIT: Necromancer says some people can't figure out how to get the tires, so I should explain it... ok... in the boss level, you punch the gray gates and they open, revealing the tires. The last tire is on the top of the tower, being bounced back and forth by a tougher rat who takes a few hits.

EDIT 2: Necromancer also suggests jumping off from up high to the left and right in the boss level to collect the 1Up and the cans before beating the boss since the level ends as soon as you have all the tires. Heed le necro's advice. :)

But don't go anywhere yet.

Replay the level. Why? Here's why:

When you first play this level, there's a 1UP on the far right (you have to jump down from almost the top of the level to snag it). When you replay, there's 3 in total, 2 of which are hidden where the tires once were. Also, to exit the level, you just walk all the way to the right. Play this level a couple of extra times to build up gas and lives. Next, head north.

It's a pretty straightforward level... nothing fancy to really outline. When you pass the first part, the second part is kind of an eyesore. Boss level:

This bastard has the guitar. Take out the speaker plugs and then deck his ass and he'll drop it. Pick it up and exit the level, but be careful as the stairs at the end collapse.

Now, go north again.

This is the junkyard, and is made up of three levels. The first is pretty straightforward so I'm skipping over it here. However, the second gets a bit weird and has a lot of platforming so be careful on those edges. Once you reach here... can use the "jump down" (hold down and press jump) to rescue Kelly.

Boss level is next.

It's a "fall down, walk right, climb up" type of level. Once you climb up on the right, you've got the boss to deal with... it's a giant car engine. Three platforms lie underneath it, and flame-shooting pipes pop out whenever you come close to them. If you punch the engine and then stand on the right side of the middle platform, the falling bolts will not hurt you.

You rescue Shred.

You travel east from here, and this is the last time you'll use Byron for awhile... Shred is much easier to use.

A snowy level, hooray. Oh... and complete with falling platforms.

Although they are blocks of ice, they are not slippery, so no worries. The game has excellent in-air movement control so you can precisely land Shred on each block. Once you pass this part, you'll enter a big snow cave that Byron cannot go through.

It's a bit of a maze, but it's not difficult so it's not worth really describing in great detail. Pass it and it's on to the sawmill... boss stage.

The wood and the sawblades will both hurt you so jump over them. You've gotta find these dumbasses:

and whip their redneck asses. The last one's at the top.

There's just a few of them, but if you don't kill them all, you can't get the Saxaphone.

Once you're done here, you keep going east.

Use Shred again, as Byron is rather useless here... I'll show you why in a minute.

This level seems pretty straightforward at first.

Byron doesn't seem to be able to clear this part right here.

You can see the next instrument from here...

... and don't forget to pick it up... the path to it is dangerously close to the end of the area so make sure you drop down and go to the left as soon as you see the edge of the stage. Pick up that thing.

Boss level.

Pouch is being held by this... scorpion thing.

It's easier to beat than it looks.

Now you can rescue Pouch.

Remember where this place is, but skip it for now.

Stop here.

Switch to Pouch if you want... he's better than Byron for this part... trust me...

A very straightforward area. Be sure to snag the 1UP at the top.

Boss level... the infamous Lego level.

If you try this area with Byron, YOU WILL GO MAD. Anyway, the blocks you can step on are the yellow ones... and pay attention because the lighter yellow ones collapse after a second. Get all the way to the top to rescue the most useless of all the characters, Lil Bro.

You'll probably never use him... or, if you do, it'll just be for a challenge... he SUCKS.

Back to the first level if you need more gas or lives.

And then, to the ocean!


Pouch has to find a huge maw here... it's not too difficult but a few things change here... first of all, you have free control in this area, but Pouch needs to find air bubbles to survive.

These green squiggly things will entrap him and waste time and air. Avoid them.

Chomp chomp...

Inside the... thing... whatever it is.

The drum set is down here but I accidentally picked it up before snapping a pic of it. Bugger.

Once you blow up all the boxes of explosives, the exit appears.

Boss level. This is the only boss level to not use the normal boss theme.

The boss is this giant octopus-looking motherf*cker.

His tentacles come out of the ground like so.

Headbutt them 4 times to take them out.

Once you take them all out, it sort of dies.

You rescue Screamer... the most useful character there is.

If you need more lives or gas (good idea to get some, as the next trip is long), stop by the first level again.

Use Screamer this time... get used to him.

In the boss level, you'll see just how useful he is... since he can fly, he can reach the goodies with ease.

The last thing to collect can be found down here.

Screamer seems to be required for this level.

It looks like it'll be a huge trek, right?

Wrong... just fly over everything. :)

This is the entrance to the pyramid.

You can't jump down from there, but you can from just a few steps over...

All the way to the bottom... now to go up.

Watch out for the rocks that the bastards drop on your head.

Boss level... inside the pyramid.

Watch out for this...

...these falling blocks are hard to spot but try to remember what they look like.

Be sure to get the keyboard here or you'll have to do this all over again!!

You now have all your friends and all the instruments, so you can complete the game. Go back here:

to rescue Coach and Val. When you reach this area:

drop down and fly to the left. With anyone else, this area's going to be a pest.

Screamer is required from here on.

The last few areas require flying.

You enter the rocket and get blasted to the moon.

Lots of funky new enemies here... sorry for the blur.

You go inside a moon base next... there are still cans everywhere, even though you no longer need to pick them up for gas... but hey, it's good for the environment, and you DO care about the environment... RIGHT?!

Once you reach the bottom of this base, you enter this... erm... tube... thing... with these giant rats that wear... diapers. Yeah... someone was smokin' something funky.

The rats cannot be killed by your boomerang, and the tubes are too tight to fly over them. Instead, you whack them and they are stunned for a couple of seconds... just long enough to walk through them without taking damage. Once you reach here...

... you know the level's about to end. The giant rats eat the cheese in the trap and vanish... weird. Anyway, the engine room is apparently...

...just a couple of little rats on wheels. Wtf. Anyway... final boss is next.

There are a total of five of these punks... each one has different weapons that come out of their butts. If you stand up high, you won't see the weapons from the first four... you'll still have to deal with their heat-seeking missiles though.

The last one makes his weapon known.

He's just as easy to take down as the others were though...

From here, just go to the left and you'll see a tiny mouse escaping... is this the "Big Cheese"? What a wuss. He flees in terror.

Your final task is to make it to the platform on the right of this area whilst avoiding cheese meteors.

The Woody has been transformed into a spaceship and it picks you up. Yeah... makes perfect sense.

The end.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 02:32:29 PM by The Old Rover »


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 08:19:32 AM »
Awesome, I could never figure out where to go in this game. This will be helpful


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 08:38:10 AM »
Nice, Rover.  This game needed some more love.
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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2012, 09:15:06 AM »
I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the f*cking car.


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 09:18:55 AM »


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 02:39:26 PM »
Thanks for the guide... almost makes my browser crash, tho!

I did a tongue-in-cheek pictorial of CC a while back, too:


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2012, 03:31:25 PM »
HAHA that's sweet man


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2012, 05:39:46 PM »
My favorite post of the year!!  Thanks for taking the time to snap all those pictures and post them, this thread has just become the best Camp California resource on the whole internetz.

I love this game and think that it is a lot better than it is given credit for.  The art style, the colors, the length, the fun, great game!


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2012, 08:40:54 PM »
It gets overlooked a lot because of technical issues with Byron, who of course is the character you start out with. It's easy to tell who's played it and who hasn't by the things they complain about... if they say "the game has terrible collision", you know they haven't played it much or they'd know that that only exists for that one character... everyone else works just fine. And, of course, a lot of people whine about the Beach Boys music and did not play it long enough to hear the AWESOME boss track. :) That music alone is worth playing this game for.


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2012, 09:37:23 PM »
This is actually on my next to buy list.  :)


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2012, 12:41:08 AM »
I got stuck on the army base level. Knowing that you can get gas and 1up's from the 1st level is huge. Thanks for sharing this!
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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2012, 03:07:07 AM »
Holy carps Rove!

Gonna have to add this game to my list. 

Awesome post, THANKS!


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2012, 03:20:37 AM »
Very nice. Might need to get that game too !


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Re: Camp California: a pictorial guide (94 pictures plus mad spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2012, 04:13:45 AM »
I purposely DID NOT read Rover's post or look at the pictures (because I still want to figure this game out for myself).

HOWEVER, I just wanted to say that I love when Rover does this because, if it is anything like his past posts on Exile 2: Wicked Phenomenon, he provides an enjoyable read and effective strategies. The fact that Rover has a hundred pictures (obtained the old skool way, at that) is icing on the TG-16 strudel.

I am so tempted to read this thread and go through all the pictures, but I can't. I've wanted to sink my teeth into this game for too long.

I appreciate the effort. Much love.

P.S. Thankfully, I have long since forgotten 99.99% of what Rover included in his Exile 2 thread (from years ago), so I can safely tackle that game now, too. YAY!!!


« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 04:18:30 AM by esteban »
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