Author Topic: Hitler....villian or victem  (Read 1584 times)


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Re: Hitler....villian or victem
« Reply #75 on: September 08, 2012, 02:43:27 PM »
NightFag just can't let it drop, type of guy that always has to get in the last 2,000 words.
Only thing you have slapped around here is your limp pecker ,,, But keep dreaming, if it makes you feel all warm n fuzzy !
[Lets see if that provokes yet another 14 paragraph infantile rant from the resident drama queen]


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Re: Hitler....villian or victem
« Reply #76 on: September 08, 2012, 02:47:15 PM »
Quite the dilemma for poor little XGay, he claims he wants to be above the fray (AKA "high roading it"), but he just can't seem to stay away... Even though he can't make up his mind, whether to have dicks or fingers go up in his behind, it doesn't stop him from accussing others of the same kind of thing, how pathetic that these are the caliber of insults that he likes to bring... ;)


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Re: Hitler....villian or victem
« Reply #77 on: September 08, 2012, 03:07:30 PM »
Reduced your rant to a measly couple little 1 liners at my suggestion, soooo predictable.
Fingers & cocks up the ass huh ?? And you wonder why I call you "NightFag" ? I'm sure your foster mother didn't raise you to talk vulgar gay smack like that, even on the internet !


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Re: Hitler....villian or victem
« Reply #78 on: September 08, 2012, 03:19:59 PM »
Reduced your rant to a measly couple little 1 liners at my suggestion, soooo predictable.

I don't take suggestions, douchebag. And if any of my "rants" have been "too long," it's only because there's so much material that can come from trash like you. You're gonna find something wrong with the critic and the criticism, never your disgusting self seems to be the pattern here anyhow... Of course, for someone that dropped pedophilia charges against people here, being lectured about "excess" by the likes of you is laughable. You seem entirely oblivious to your hypocrisy throughout this thing, that's for sure.

Fingers & cocks up the ass huh ?? And you wonder why I call you "NightFag" ?

Your memory seems fuzzy. can stick your finger right up your ass, don't have the time of day to bicker with you either, pedo defender.

You seem so intimately familiar with the concept, so I'd say it's a case of projection. ;)

I'm sure your foster mother didn't raise you to talk vulgar gay smack like that, even on the internet !

Next up, "your mama" jokes.

Getting under your skin now, douche? Am I fully off software ignore Mr. "Highroader" or are you as conflicted about that as you are about everything else ?? I know Professor got first place at the top of your Enemies' List (that's fine, he earned it), but I would like to at least earn 2nd place... ;) I guess my competition is Jibbajaba and even Arjak who managed to get sand in your vagina after only one post and yet I did all this work! Not as much as Professor certainly, but damn, give credit where credit is due!!

"You're all just a bunch of, of, uh, haters, yeah, that's it, haters! And haters gonna hate! All I did is equate Michael Jackson's guilt to that of OJ Simpson (he's black too!), Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson (which I thought was particularly cute), and then after Bernie told me to STFU, I acussed him, Arkhan, Professor, Necromancer of being boy-loving, pedophilia-defending jerks! What's the big deal? WHY OH WHY are we still talking about this? Why would that still be offensive/inflammatory beyond a couple of days afterwards? What's there to hate about little ole me? What, nobody found my "apology" genuine?? Stop the hate, I say! Stop the hate!!!!!! Can't we all just...get along??? *sniff*"
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 04:16:42 PM by NightWolve »