Hi everyone!
This is a little weird so maybe someone can help me.
So I have a Super System Card 3.0 with a Purple Barney that will run normal CD games but not SCD games! I have tried a CD import game (which doesn't work -- read more below), but I recall that different regions are not a factor for CD games. I also haven’t tried an PC Engine huCard game. That said, I still think the converter is not the issue. Thanks!
Games that workFighting Street (u)Last Alert (u)Game that do not workDracula X (j) - starts to load and keeps spinning (sometimes the will be a little white square on the screen that shows up, then disc keeps spinning)
Forgotten Worlds (u) - game loads and sounds work perfect, but graphics extremely scrambled. Another thing I noticed is that FOrgotten Worlds DID create save data on the Super System Card 3.0 card
Lords of Thunder (u) - starts to load and then a vertical pink rectangle shows up in the lower right side of screen and disc just keeps spinning
so the facts that I concluded from all of this- successful Super System Card 3.0/adapter connection
- successful adapter/TurboGrafx connection
- System Card 3.0 formats and accepts save data
- SCD games lock up
So what can be wrong!? Could everything on the Super System Card 3.0 work except the extra RAM?

I paid for this item through eBay and need to figure out if I need to ask for a refund and pick up another one.
Thanks in advance for your wisdom!