I'm not the greatest at keeping track of things, so to help me make sure everyone that donates to Nightwolve gets their extra entries, I ask they you post here that you donated, how much, and what raffles you want the extra entries to go towards. You can get up to 5 entries max. I have 5 raffles going on currently. You cant use like all 5 on one raffle though, because that would unfairly stack the odds, so its one extra entry per raffle. So that means you do something like donate 15 bucks to Nightwolve, you get 3 extra entries you can put towards 3 raffles you want to enter.
Basically each extra raffle entry is 5 a pop (the first one though you can get for $3-5, because I want people even on tight budgets to have a extra chance if possible). So look at it like this:
$3-5 gets you one extra entry.
$10 gets you two extra.
$15 gets you three extra.
$20 gets you four extra.
$25 gets you five max. No more then 5 is allowed.
I am going to use an honor system and take you at your word that when you say you donated that you did, so you don't have to PM me pics of paypal payments sent to Nightwolve. If I ask Nick I am sure he will remember who donated to him and who didn't, and I think I have a good enough rep here that you know that if you lie I will destroy you, bring you back from oblivion, and destroy you again for shits and giggles.
So without further ado, please post here if you donated, if so, how much, and what raffles you want the extra entries to go towards. Thanks
Bigus donated $20, extra entries will be applied to Force Gear, Sylphia, Godzilla, and Renny Blaster.
Punch donated $5, extra entry to Godzilla.
Black Tiger donated $20, picked Force Gear and Godzilla. You need to pick two more raffles you want the 2 extra entries to go towards.