First off I'd like to say hi, stumbled upon this forum a few days ago and loved it immediatly. This place is great brings me back to a great time in my childhood video gamming everytime I visit.
First question, does the arcade card work in a Turbo Duo RX? If it does, can it be obtained anyplace other than Ebay, or is it an almost extinct dinosaur?
First off, why do you have RX in front of Turbo Duo? The Turbo Duo is a U.S. console and the Duo RX is a japanese console. Which one do you have?
Anyway, the arcade card will only work on a Turbo Duo if you have a converter.
The arcade card can be purchase at other online stores: Japangamestock, Genki video games, Videogame Imports, Yahoo Japan Auctions. There are others place too but these are just a few that I know.
While looking through the FX forums I noticed that the system seemed to be only released in Japan, are the games coded in english at all or is everyone just dealing with japanese text?
Thanks, and more to come 
Japanese only, too bad.