The fuse seems intact, not sure why I cannot read any current there at all; I also have a very cheap multimeter....I would not be surprised if that thing won't work as expected (or I am not setting it correctly...altho I am not sure then why I can get a correct reading at the connector).
Do you mean voltage? The only way to check current with a normal meter is to make a break in the circuit somewhere (for example, remove the fuse) and with the meter in Ammeter mode install hook it up across the opening in the circuit. With the circuit intact you can only check voltage.
Voltmeters measure voltage difference. If the fuse is in tact and you are measuring across it in Voltmeter mode you will get nothing on a working system. With the power on there will be zero difference in voltage because fuses have no resistance. With the system off you'll have nothing because...its off. You will only see voltage across a fuse if the fuse is blown.
The best way to check a soldered-in fuse is to hook the ground wire of the meter to a chassis ground, power the system up, and measure voltage on one side of the fuse and then the other. They should read the same.
Not that this matters, evidently, since you seem to have a good fuse.
Then I swapped my white PCE and it boots, but there is no video. I can hear the game music going, and it respond to the pad buttons (i hear the sound effects, meaning that in fact the console works), but no video.
At this point I know that the little white fella is alive, so now I assume that I shall start to look in the video area to see why I get nothing. There is no signal at all from the AV cable, only the audio works.
Anything that I should check? Is this even possible to be fixed or should I just sell it for parts on ebay?
That's not common. My first question is, is there any evidence of mods being done to this system? If its never been hacked then its probably a blown cap or resistor. Maybe it has one of those bullshit HK PAL mods and your TV just isn't syncing with it?
Sorry, I meant Voltage (V); I am quite rusty on my electronic...has been probably 25 years since my last exam at college (i just remember Voltage and current intensity applied to resistors...and few formulas to calculate ).
That makes sense now....all that i know about a fuse is that it has a connection, so if the electricity pass trough it, you should be able to catch it, but I forgot that V is in fact the difference of potential energy among the electrons, so in fact, it is equal to 0 in an open circuit (and a fuse is an open circuit, unless is blown). Thanks for giving me the spark (pun intended ), about this
I need to measure the current intensity (i), to see if in fact there is any activity going on....but my multimeter seems to read only V and ohm....gotta check the instructions.
Regarding the pre-existing modding:
Now that I think about it....there was a wire going across the board; plus I can see residual of some soldering points made after (they are quite big, so I exclude that they are in fact from the factory)...I removed it since it was attached only on one point, and I don't remember to ever see any wire across any PC Engine board.
I will take a picture of the bottom of the board so you can see what I am talking about...maybe they tried to do some sort of mod and blew up something...I didn't tried to check cap by cap yet, so for now I am preparing to see where to focus to find out what is wrong
BTW I am using a CD interface, so the RF unit should be totally bypassed, and the signal should be taken from the rear connector....which means that if I hook up some wires there, most likely there will be no signal.
I wonder if anyone ever posted the schematics for the origina PCE, or some repair guide/troubleshooting...I keep religiously the original schematics of the Commodore Amiga, just in case that I need to repair mine, but I can't find too much material on PCE, unless you need pure schematics (which requires a degree in IC design and engineering I assume
If it won't work, I will probably use the case to put in a micro computer and make my own PCE mod