...Even though I have a good chunk of these, it's awesome to see the whole thing at once and reminds me how awesome the artwork is.
Yes, absolutely.
LESSON TO FOLKS WHO MAKE/CONTRIBUTE TO SITES: I find this format (or a variation of it)
really compelling: show the "highlights" from the manual in a collage format. Even casual observers (who may never download/read a manual) are struck by the art/layout/presentation of these manuals.
Of course, I'd want the picture/scan quality to be better, but I've got problems (well-documented) when it comes to aesthetics.
NINJA_SPIRIT, you have shown us that PCE websites can present our beloved games in a greatly enhanced way. Sadly, I'm too busy to make collages from scanned manuals...but I think it would enhance any site that deals with PCE/TG-16 lore...
[/end of blah blah blah]