Well i feel it will be pretty cool if the emulation is done good and the hardware is not crap. Wireless controllers (junk), HDMI support, Slick GUI. Would rather pay more for a quality system with good controllers.
Well, my disagreement with this, would be why not just build a really, really nice HTPC (Home-theater PC) with a good front-end, your own controllers, and the best emulators (like the perfect bSNES)... I used to be really into the MAME machines, and this is just MAME for consoles. If you are cool emulators, the cart requirement is silly, wastes money, time, and space. You could build an even better quality PC system to your own specs, and include PCE/TG, Commodore 64, Playdia, N64, CDi, or whatever, to your heart's content. You wouldn't need to spend $1,000,000 to get all the games for all the systems....
When you think about it if you wanted a direct clone of the Snes or Genny would it not be entirely unpractical ? Who is going to manufacture the 65c816, Sony's SPC700 etc.
Yeah, it would be totally impractical. The practical solution is emulation, but the argument boils down to "Why bother with cart slots?"
Yeah, I felt the same way about that German device that lets you play SNES carts on your PC. It seemed hella cool for about 2 minutes when I eventually had to ask myself..."why?". Why dump the game every time I play it?
I think a lot of people who hate emulators are basically just pushing their pro-hoarding agenda. This thing still lets you hoard shit so it's cool with them.
I think the only thing cool about that device is the ability to back up save RAM, and the ability to plug original controllers into your PC... the former isn't worth $70, and the latter can be done by a $30 item from RetroZone.
Also, as a professional hoarder, I take offense to your comment.