So I just getting into this game as well. The first glance, as an experienced fiction fan/lover you will notice how this game takes after Indiana Jones, clones. However it lacks the speed, of those games. Another thing you will notice is how those tombs fall from the sky. So I consider this game an extremely mild Ernest Evans, or Ghost and Goblins. It can be very challenging, especially when you have one heart left and you fight like six enemies in a row, and then a lighting bolt comes out of nowhere and kills you. This game could be compared to "Future Boy Conan" and "Facuet Armour" in terms of difficulty.
The music of this game is reasonable. Traditional, lenguido cool sounding tracks. Some rock, nature, and other forms of music. You can leave the music running on and listen to it, for hours, so far.
Being a heroine character, sorta make this a magical girl game. Their is some sorta goddess, or force you hail to, and the game falls in line with, Valis, but she dresses like a tom boy, which makes the game kinda depressing.
Honest to gosh, this game is too serious, but is reasonable for a time killer. A plain looking female character, with another plain looking female and no comical outburst. However do not spend too much money on this game, at all. Unless their is something that I am missing, please tell me.
Oh about the powers, well think of it like a light Gunstar heroes. Sometimes they enhance, while other times they do not. If your a room with a bunch of enemies, chances are you need
to know how to use what. Enemies fire at you off screen, as you can do to them.
If you do not like challenging pot holes, and surrealism, then stay away. However if your looking more JRPG bliss, and you have nothing up your sleeve, then get this game
INDIANA JONES, CLONES...............Okay seriously, great music, great action, but seriously the is a challenger. I do not know what to think about this game.