I recently made a single template, for a Japanese HuCard Game Envelope, and posted it to the Auction for Bernie's Daughter thread.
I'm not sure how many HuCard Games were released in Japan; last I heard it was somewhere around 300.
Anyway, if any of you wanna tackle making Envelopes for the Japanese Games, and like my Template, here it is:
^Open^.......................................................................................^What it'll look like when Folded Closed^
I pretty much just rearranged some logos, that were made by the guys at TCP, for their DVD-Style Covers, for PCE Games. :-"
Here are some white (English Alphabet) TG-16 Style letters you could use, as well:
Takin' it to the Hoop is shown as an example, so you can see how the yellow box spacers work, when building a Game Title.
You'll need to change the Yellow to Black, before ya copy and paste the text.
MS Paint has an easy-to-use tool for that...
The inner dimensions of the Black Box, that surrounds the Game Cover Photo, is 1180 x1180 Pixels.
The top-most part, of an
Case letter, should be 26 pixels away from the Right Edge of the Blackened Game-Name Area.
If you'd rather opt for a more traditional, Japanese Alphabet, that's cool, but I can't help ya there.
If ya'll could post some PCE Game Database Links, it would help anyone interested in doing this.