The green arrow works, but I mean, when you have the 4th of f*ckin july on screen, nothing works except the radar, lol.
I completely agree with you. Maybe I have not played enough of it, but I never know who to attack to save the humans, and they always die on me. I completely suck at this game for some reason, even though I have been playing much harder shmup games lately (granted they are completely different). I am really bad at running out of boost right before I hit an enemy.
Otherwise I mostly have been playing battlefield. Its fun to be playing such a smooth running battlefield despite the server/kick out problems. I never had a solid frame rate running these games on my laptop, and it overheats way too fast.
It's either the line of tards that you shoot, or the glowing green ones that come in waves.
Sometimes, these waves also have red guys. You have to shoot the green ones first.
Then the other reds turn green, etc.
If you shoot them out of order, they never let a guy out.