While digging through some boxes of old stuff at my parents' house (that I literally haven't laid eyes on in ten or fifteen years) I finally found the boxes to some Turbo games I owned back in high school. I had forgotten what happened to these boxes and just assumed that I or my mother had thrown them away at some point. Anyway, it seems my mother kept them.
Found the following:
Victory Run
Last Alert
Ninja Spirit
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Legendary Axe
Bonk's Adventure
Dungeon Explorer
TV Sports Football
J.J. and Jeff
It Came From the Desert
Parasol Stars
And the biggie, the one that I really wondered what happened to:
Ys Book I & II with map
I also found a couple of sales brochures from Turbo Zone Direct circa 93-94 when I was in college. Here's some interesting prices. Don't you wish you had a time machine?
Bonk 3 (Hu) $49.99
Bonk 3 (CD) $49.99
Dungeon Explorer II $49.99
Magical Chase $39.99
Dynastic Hero $49.99
TerraForming $49.99
Super Air Zonk $49.99
Might & Magic III $49.99
PC Engine game converter $19.99
Super System Card 3.0 $65.00
And here's some prices that aren't so good anymore:
Arcade Card Pro $159.99
Arcade Card Duo $149.99
The above is why I didn't get any Arcade Card games until just a few years ago.
Also interesting is that in a '93 flyer Dracula X is available for $79.99, but by the '94 flyer there's a special note that Dracula X is sold out and unlikely to be restocked again.
Some later flyers (from 95 or so I believe) had these deals:
Any 3 Super CDs for $69.99
Bonk III
Camp California
Dungeon Master
Forgotten Worlds
Lords of Thunder
Prince of Persia
Riot Zone
Shadow of the Beast
Shape Shifter
Sim Earth
Super Air Zonk
Ys I & II
Any 3 for $49.99
Air Zonk
Magical Chase
Neutopia II
Soldier Blade
Any 2 for $69.99
Dragon Slayer
Gate of Thunder
Might & Magic III
Dynastic Hero
Dungeon Explorer II
Beyond Shadowgate
Painful isn't it? For $175 you could have bought Might & Magic III, Terraforming, Dynastic Hero, Dungeon Explorer II, and Beyond Shadowgate brand new. At the time I bought DE II and Beyond Shadowgate, but never got the others.