Author Topic: WTB: Arcade Card Duo...  (Read 460 times)


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Re: WTB: Arcade Card Duo...
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2014, 05:27:55 AM »
Buy @ rinkya a bunch of games + your card + hardware from the same seller within a day and you´ll get a good price.

Already have a duo with an Ave 6 pad and multitap with a everdrive. I just need the card, so this is a no go for me.

So, arcadegear is charging $60 for the card shipped to the states...
For the cheap Arcade Card Duo, not the way more expensive Arcade Card Pro? At what shipping option (SAL, Airmail, EMS)?

This was for the Duo - 40 for the card and 20 shipped. They didn't offer me any other shipping option. It looks like their prices are reflective of eBays prices, as I asked about an additional avenue 6 pad and they came at me with 35 plus shipping.