Author Topic: Dracula X (PC Engine) Vs Super Castlevania IV (SNES) - which game is better?  (Read 8050 times)


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To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.
I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevania IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

All of my favorites, though I would stick Castlevania III in that group too.


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To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.
I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevaina IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

I like Castlevania IV, but I think I like Bloodlines more.  Bloodlines is all original material - lots of great new music (my personal favorite is the sinking sanctuary), great effects done by staff who would go on to form Treasure, and just an all around tight game.  Super Castlevania has one of my favorite themes though - the end battle with Dracula.  Lots of good memories with both. Simon looks his dorkiest in IV though.

To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.
I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevania IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

All of my favorites, though I would stick Castlevania III in that group too.

You are right of course, I completely agree.  Especially the Japanese version with the enhanced music!


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To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.
I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevania IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

All of my favorites, though I would stick Castlevania III in that group too.

and the peke akumajou dracula. it's just the best 100% straight forward pure action cast there is.

and it has one of the best and also exclusive BGMs -> Moon Fight!!
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.

I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevania IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

All of my favorites, though I would stick Castlevania III in that group too.

and the peke akumajou dracula. it's just the best 100% straight forward pure action cast there is.

and it has one of the best and also exclusive BGMs -> Moon Fight!!

Woah!  Hold the phone!  I knew Moon Fight (it was on the 68k version, I think) but I had no idea about this even existing because I played on a Duo!  I had to look up "peke" to see what you meant, I guess maybe I can try emulating to see it?  I can't believe I didn't know about this after all these years!


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To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.

I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevania IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

All of my favorites, though I would stick Castlevania III in that group too.

and the peke akumajou dracula. it's just the best 100% straight forward pure action cast there is.

and it has one of the best and also exclusive BGMs -> Moon Fight!!

Woah!  Hold the phone!  I knew Moon Fight (it was on the 68k version, I think) but I had no idea about this even existing because I played on a Duo!  I had to look up "peke" to see what you meant, I guess maybe I can try emulating to see it?  I can't believe I didn't know about this after all these years!

hahaha..some confusions here.

"peke" also is a synonym for "x68k", it simply stands for the "X" in front of the 68k. so not the akumajou dracula peke when you start it up without the sys 3.0 was ment.

and sure "akumajou dracula peke" does not include "moon Fight". it's only one silly, like in total 3 screens wide  super mini-stage, with maria waiting for you at the end and tells you aboutle sys 3.0 huey.

so what I really meant was to add the x68k akumajou dracula (= peke dracula).

sorry for that ;)
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Tats, the drunken Swissler, has managed to confuse everyone. 
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To me the peak of the series is Dracula X (PCE of course),Bloodlines, and Symphony of the Night.

I agree apart from I think that Super Castlevania IV is million times better than Bloodlines.

All of my favorites, though I would stick Castlevania III in that group too.

and the peke akumajou dracula. it's just the best 100% straight forward pure action cast there is.

and it has one of the best and also exclusive BGMs -> Moon Fight!!

Woah!  Hold the phone!  I knew Moon Fight (it was on the 68k version, I think) but I had no idea about this even existing because I played on a Duo!  I had to look up "peke" to see what you meant, I guess maybe I can try emulating to see it?  I can't believe I didn't know about this after all these years!

hahaha..some confusions here.

"peke" also is a synonym for "x68k", it simply stands for the "X" in front of the 68k. so not the akumajou dracula peke when you start it up without the sys 3.0 was ment.

and sure "akumajou dracula peke" does not include "moon Fight". it's only one silly, like in total 3 screens wide  super mini-stage, with maria waiting for you at the end and tells you aboutle sys 3.0 huey.

so what I really meant was to add the x68k akumajou dracula (= peke dracula).

sorry for that ;)

Yeah, I looked up a video of the PCE one and it used OP. 13 I think.  I didn't want to be a smart ass and say "hey, that isn't moon fight" but turns out you were talking about the x68k version anyway.  I still don't get how peke=X though.

Either way, still amused there was something in Dracula X I hadn't yet seen after all of these years of ownership!

Black Tiger

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I didn't want to be a smart ass and say "hey, that isn't moon fight" but turns out you were talking about the x68k version anyway.  I still don't get how peke=X though.

The Japanese characters for "PE" and "KE" form a perfect "X" shape together.

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You think so? It doesn't look like it to me: ペケ in katakana or ぺけ in hiragana.

Googling ペケ 語源 (peke etymology) tells me that the term probably comes from a Chinese word 不可, read in that language as "puko". 不可 exists in Japanese as well, read "fuka", and the meaning is the same: wrong, bad, incorrect, etc.

Peke itself is a slang word in modern Japanese that specifically refers to an x symbol that is used to mark a mistake, like on a wrong answer on a test or a bad product coming off the assembly line. So Konami is really just making a sort of pun. It's like "Dracula Lemon" or something.

Black Tiger

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You think so? It doesn't look like it to me: ペケ in katakana or ぺけ in hiragana.

Googling ペケ 語源 (peke etymology) tells me that the term probably comes from a Chinese word 不可, read in that language as "puko". 不可 exists in Japanese as well, read "fuka", and the meaning is the same: wrong, bad, incorrect, etc.

Peke itself is a slang word in modern Japanese that specifically refers to an x symbol that is used to mark a mistake, like on a wrong answer on a test or a bad product coming off the assembly line. So Konami is really just making a sort of pun. It's like "Dracula Lemon" or something.

I was "being a smart ass".

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I wonder how different the result of this poll would of been on a Nintendo forum?  :-k


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we should try that out. fortunately I'm on no nobey forum registered.

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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Wow, I was way late to the party on this one. Not around too much these days though. Howsit all? Anyway, another vote for Dracula X. It's just a much better game. I guess I just was never really super impressed with Super Castlevania IV. The game just seems very slow and out of place to me for some reason. Funny as it is, I liked Bloodlines much better. I like IV, but when comparing it to Dracula X, there's no contest. XX, however, was just atrocious. If not for those horrid N64 3D games, that would easily be the worst Castlevania game on a home console ever.