Man some of those games are hard to find but it decently looks like it was all from the original owner....having the various equals to games he/she clearly liked and most likely an adult owner when initaly bought as everything seemed to be in such clean minty condition.....
I doubt the person selling was the original owner per say but someone who ended up with it or their kid never picked it up and they wanted to off load it quick fast and in a hurry.
It's the type of score everyone dreams of, and only wishes it had gone to someone who would have given the new experience of a system not typically found in the wild a honest chance instead of testing the games to verify they work......
Hell my foray into all that is TG-16 started with my Craigslist haul ... Now I knew of the system but never thought about collecting paying or yada yada for it until it basically fell in my lap....
Now I greatly enjoy it and get excited to play a new game, learn more about it, and activity search for it...
I cheat and go eBay a little but you never remember the details about the games you bought when it is off the Internet.....
When I find games at flea markets or off people at yards sales and such I can tyipcally remember where, how much, and what kind of condition the game or system was in before I got it, cleaned it, played it, and usually enjoyed the hell out of it.