I just got a TurboExpress, TurboVision, and 5 games at a garage sale a few days ago for $2, but the II button on the TurboExpress doesn't work.
I opened it up to look at the controller board, and tried cleaning the contacts, but it didn't seem to help. I searched all over the net for information about the chip on the controller board, but couldn't find anything. The part number is BU5782K. I found information on the TG-16 controller, but the TurboExpress seems to operate differently than a regular controller. I wired up some LEDs and switches to the cable on the controller board and tried to figure out how it works, but I haven't been able to come up with much. I thought I had it figured out, so I built a new controller board but it didn't work. I could hear the game sounds, but the screen had no image on it (it was receiving power though). I think that the controller board sends some sort of signal to the console to turn the screen on or something, because I powered it up with the console open, and with the original controller board connected, and when I disconnected the original controller board, the screen went blank. Does anyone know what will work?