1. So on the LT you get them all? Game sound, ADPCM and CDA.
2. CG you get game sound, ADPCM (weak?) and no CDA
3. CG with only audio CD you get faint CDA.
Ok, I have tested it again now:
-PSG sounds from LT headphone jack seems to be stereo from what I hear
-All sounds coming from CDROM2 via LT headphone jack are mixed together and play fine
-all sounds from CDROM2 are mixed togehter and come out thru IFU Audio ports
-PSG sounds come thru as well and seem to be stereo from what I hear
-via AV DIN cable I only get PSG in good quality and probably in stereo from what I hear
-CD-Audio faintly audible when stereo is turned up in volume all way, so actually it should be regarded to as "no sound".
-NO ADPCM or CD-ingame audio audible at all (tested with ICFTD - no sounds, just a little noise)
-with Output jacks from IFU ALL SOUNDS are audible and mixed like in the above example like I use my LT.
Hope this helps. I already have a conversation with Charles Macdonald on this, I am waiting for his response as well.