Sex in a car? Bullshit. They were kissing on a park bench. The police put her ndcuffs and then let her go. You are not obligated to produce your "papers" for the police.
And Jesus Christ, Medic, learn to spell, please. "civial" "rasisim"
Learn to spell. On my to do list.
Actually you seem to have not read the artical. Or watched the video of the couple veing interviewed.
In LA under probable cause you have to provide identification to a cop. He even told the actress before it escalated.
He was redponding to a call/complaint made by the office workers that could see the couple in their car. It was never touched on afterwords but clearly it wasn't heavy kissing.
Then only after she goes on some social justice warrior crusade she is interviewed and read state law that reiterated ehst the officer told her before she was held or handcuffed. She then asked if she regreated how she responded to the cop and she flat out couldn't adnit she was wrong.