Author Topic: Is there an accurate list of launch games (TG-16) for USA ?  (Read 1602 times)


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Re: Is there an accurate list of launch games (TG-16) for USA ?
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2015, 06:03:21 AM »
Anthony, thanks for mentioning that interesting summary about Usenet...sounds like a very good source of chronological info (more precise than anything else we roll ever find!)

...if only we knew what city these folks were in! It would help us pinpoint  geographic availability.

Actually, I might be hyping up Usenet a little too much. Reason being... Google only has so much of Usenet that you can search. They might only have like 20 percent of the posts that were going on, so sometimes info is hard to find, because they actually have a small sample size.

Just go to Google, and search for Google Groups, then search for I think it is. Then search for a keyword like "bonk", then have it sorted by date.  It can be a bit time consuming to sift through the stuff, but there are some very good tidbits of info to discover.

I just wish they had the other 80 percent of all the posts, cause there is tons of stuff missing.

Also, sometimes, you can determine what cities people are in. Most of these guys (and some gals I'm sure), were in college at the time, and they will have something about their University. Or they worked for a company and would have their location.

Yeah, I've searched Usenet before (years ago) but I remember getting to a point of "diminishing returns" where I was not finding anything too useful...

The sad thing is that I can't remember if I saved my findings or not.

Anyway, here's a teaser of that old project I mentioned...this thread inspired me to go back and continue working on it! Ha! It was from years ago...

The TG-16 launch advertising had this didn't last long... and I think you were referring to ads similar to this in one of you prior posts...that's the connection I made, anyway. Ha! :)
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Re: Is there an accurate list of launch games (TG-16) for USA ?
« Reply #61 on: February 08, 2015, 08:04:30 AM »
Yeah, that's one of the earliest ads for TG-16 that started showing up in gaming magazines around August 1989. As you can see, Legendary Axe, Victory Run and Keith Courage were the main three games featured.

I'm starting to think that with the first test launch, there was only 3 games. Then, when people around the country could start to get Turbo's, I think there was a second wave of software that arrived then.

Kinda like two different launches.  Maybe if you were in New York, initially, you could only buy Legendary Axe and Victory Run individually. Then, when the TG-16 launched Nationwide, that's perhaps when games like China Warrior and R-Type and Dungeon Explorer, Power Golf, etc, etc also arrived.

Of course, this is just a theory right now, and there is a wee bit of evidence pointing to this theory being plausible. but I need some better corroborating evidence to really lock down this possibility.


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Re: Is there an accurate list of launch games (TG-16) for USA ?
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2015, 08:44:25 AM »

Yeah, that's one of the earliest ads for TG-16 that started showing up in gaming magazines around August 1989. As you can see, Legendary Axe, Victory Run and Keith Courage were the main three games featured.

I'm starting to think that with the first test launch, there was only 3 games. Then, when people around the country could start to get Turbo's, I think there was a second wave of software that arrived then.

Kinda like two different launches.  Maybe if you were in New York, initially, you could only buy Legendary Axe and Victory Run individually. Then, when the TG-16 launched Nationwide, that's perhaps when games like China Warrior and R-Type and Dungeon Explorer, Power Golf, etc, etc also arrived.

Of course, this is just a theory right now, and there is a wee bit of evidence pointing to this theory being plausible. but I need some better corroborating evidence to really lock down this possibility.

If you haven't seen this page, I'm slowly piecing together stuff from the July/August 1989 issue of EGM #02...

Jump here and read the fine print at the bottom of the page:

The games are not guaranteed...and will be determined by NEC's production schedule!

Further proof that this mystery is tough to solve.

I submit that this is the JULY EGM...allowed to stay in shelves for 2 don't know what point in trying to make   

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