I was going through my turbo stuff and found this way to pitch in World Class Baseball that I figured out and wrote down. that would almost guarantee consistent strikeouts. It would only work using certain pitchers I think it was only left handed ones. Has anyone else figured out something similar?
Here is how I wrote it down.
Move pitcher from center of plate to the far right edge of the plate. Pitch the ball & then curve it to the left of the screen so it just crosses the plate. If you do this properly you should be able to strike out the batters almost every time.
Teams to usePitchers to use
With all sports games of this sort, my friends and I tried the "extremes" to test the limits. I'm sure I tried your move, but I don't know if I ever realized it was "foolproof"...
Random thoughts:
Messing around with the inside corner too much can get you in trouble (hitting the batter)—the computer doesn't "try" to get hit, but when playing friends/brothers, we would purposefully hop back and forth (crowding the plate) like spastic fools.
I never figured out if it made a difference to hop around + swing vs. stationary + swing. I was always worried that hopping spastically would be penalized (i.e. something that would have been a base hit become foul ball or pop up), but I don't know if that was ever born out by actual play.