I think I've mentioned this before -- the same place I used to rent Turbo games from (and apparently a store that rented Turbo games was rare indeed) also "rented" out Amiga software along with IBM PC stuff. "Floppy Joe's" how I miss thee.
Damn, they rented out computer software! Crap, I missed out on that!
Yeah, in the States only some mom-n-pop places rented Turbo games (no chains like Blockbuster video). A local place close to me rented SMS cartridges, which was kool, and they naturally followed-up on this with Genesis carts when the new console was released. Later, they even had some Sega-CD's.
I should point out that the reverse was true for places that *sold* TG-16 games: of the relatively few mom-n-pop places selling video games, only a handful had TG-16 hardware / software. Big chains (i.e. Toys-R-Us, Software Etc., EB, etc.) were the places to go for a decent selection of games. They seemed to be slightly more expensive, though.