Well, I don't own a dishwasher but I have a fiberglass scratch brush and I have some cleaner that is safe for PCB and plastic, quick drying no residue. It is a contact cleaner and the board looks good before I started soldering.
I did just under half of the board already. Needed a break as I am starting to go a bit cross eyed looking at these small ceramic caps and trying to tin them and the pads before placing them down.
Unfortunately I did drop one and I just cannot seem to find it so I may need to order some more by the time I am done.
I am using GameTechUS method of removing caps, by snipping them. So far no pulled or missing pads and my soldering looks adequate, not perfect but not real messy either. After the first two imo they became really nice so I went back and touched up the first two I did after I got the technique down.
The worst one I ran into so far was the 3.3uF 50v that sits just behind the cd-rom connectors. I thought the board was eaten away but after using my scratch brush on it, it showed me that the pads were still there. It was just a ton of crap around and on the pads hiding them until it was cleaned.
The audio section I can see almost every SMT cap is corroded so that area might be the worst spot yet. I just havn't got there yet.