Author Topic: Progress on Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu II translation?  (Read 414 times)


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Progress on Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu II translation?
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:33:19 PM »
Hey guys, I was just looking at romhacking the other day, and I saw the translation for this game was being made.

It looks like it's gone dead however, and when I tried to post to see what was up, it deleted it for posting to a necrothread. I was really interested to see the progress of this.

Now since the organizer of the patch, SamIam is a member here and is active, I thought it wouldn't hurt to post on here instead.

So is it still being made, and if so, what's the progress on it?

(Sorry if I should have put this post somewhere else, I'm more or less a noob to this site.   :?)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:35:41 PM by shadelegend333 »


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Re: Progress on Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu II translation?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 10:13:31 PM »

Seems like the script is done, but due to drama, and Tobias "The f*ckwit Repro guy" things seems to be stalled atm, which is understandable...

There are sevel PCE translations that are on the cusp of completion, and I'd love to have them all, but we all just gotta wait...