Is this a PC Engine Duo R or something where you're expecting the system card screen to show up or a regular white PCE with no built in menu?
Its a white regular PCE, not expecting anything to show up without a card but a white screen. Its just that sometimes I get a light blue screen and I was wondering if thats an error color code of some kind. The console seems to be working fine though, everdrive, cds all ok.
Maybe I'm flipping the switch too fast, I noticed that if i turn it on, then back off and on again fast, a color screen shows up (light blue or green)...
It means nothing. The PC Engine just displays whatever code is in the video RAM as a color. It entirely depends on the make and model of the SRAM used as video RAM. The exact same thing happens with the NES and Famicom.
Thank you for the info, I appreciate it
I got worried because I read somewhere that solid color screens are error codes.
So nothing to worry about right?