Author Topic: Turbo CD not saving  (Read 353 times)


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Turbo CD not saving
« on: October 09, 2002, 08:31:00 PM »
My Turbo CD hasn't been able to save games anymore.  I'm not sure what the problem is, but whenever I turn it off, the saves are always gone.  Do I need to change the batteries or something?  The manual is long gone, so I don't really know what to do.  I also don't seem to have anything to unscrew the thing in case I do need to change the batteries.  Thanks for your help.



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Re: Turbo CD not saving
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2002, 01:53:00 AM »
Yah, sounds like your internal battery.  Unfortunately, I have no experience in changing a Turbo CD battery..hopfully someone else can help out. Aaron Nanto

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