The Wii will fail because in one or two years, people won't stand it because of the horrible graphics compared to the then awesome and incredible-looking PS3 games (and yes, the Xbox 360 games will be slightly better looking than the Wii games by then as well). Also, by then, the gimmick is not interesting anymore. Nintendo will have to make more gimmicks, like voice-controlled games (MARIO! JUMP! JUMP DAMN YOU!) etc etc.
Is it not possible that Wii graphics will get better overtime as well? This hasn't stopped other consoles in the past, such as the Genesis. And who says the gimmick won't be interesting anymore
? Unless you're a super psychic cybornetic ninja fighter, then I won't take your word on that
To further comment about the Wiimote being a gimmick, who says all games are going to be gimmicky? In fact the new Super Smash Bros supposedly isn't even going to use the Wiimote, which is a Nintendo franchise even. Also the new Fire Emblem as far as I can tell isn't going to utilize the Wiimote's abilities either, another Nintendo franchise. Further more do you guys remember when the DS was first out and it was being highly critized for it's gimmicky dual screens, touching abilities, and microphone? That didn't stop the DS to become the monster it is today, did it?
To me, the Wii utilizes it's gimmick much better than the DS did so I can only hope and assume that the Wii will be an even bigger success. And lastly I remember when all the Wii haters were saying how the Wii was going to flop once it was out, but all I ever read about is how much the Wii is selling out all over the world. So if the Wii proved the haters wrong once, can it not do it again?
The low res graphics, game selection, and lack of adequate storage space (i.e. hard drive) will likely keep the Wii from becoming number one. The GameCube's library is tiny compared to ps2 or even xbox (except kids games). Although Wii isn't at the top of the heap, it still is innovative, has fun games, and is profitable. The GameCube is often considered a failure, but Nintendo's the only one turning a profit on hardware and software.
From what I hear, more third parties are joining Nintendo and more are leaving Sony, so we'll see what happens
I seriously think all future videogame controllers will be imitations or evolutions of the wiimote, much like modern controllers are all evolutions of the NES controller.
Good point. Nintendo has done multiple innovating controller features that competitors have copied before; NES controller, SNES controller, rumble pack, and more recently, Sony suddenly adding motion abilities to their PS3 controllers long after Nintendo announced their plans