Author Topic: Arcade Card Pro on Turbografix 16 w/ cdrom question  (Read 434 times)


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Arcade Card Pro on Turbografix 16 w/ cdrom question
« on: November 27, 2002, 06:15:00 AM »
I won the Arcade Card Pro on ebay a few weeks ago (I had to get it since Josh didn't send me this).  The card is in great shape but when I play some games (Forgotten Worlds JAP)  they just go funky and don't work.

The converter I have is  not the kisado but a Japanese one I believe.  I heard it works better than kisado but I have no clue to what it is... has some japanese writing on it... its not quite as long as other converters.

I was wondering if that game is not compatible with the arcade card pro or just my converter is funky?

I tried other games and they work fine...  but not all of them




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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2002, 12:08:00 PM »
I've done a lot of experimenting with the TG16/CD systems and converters using the ACP. Here is what I've found so far (your results may vary)-

The Kissado converter works well with the ACP.
The long green "diving board" converter has many problems with the ACP.
I've also tried two different "TV Game Converters" (which sounds like what you may have). One of them I had (off-white) worked well sometimes but not others. I found cleaning it helped some. I have another one (purple) and it works every bit as good as the Kissado. No problems and even works well with Sapphire.

Try taking out the card and reinserting it into the converter a couple times and see if that helps. If not you're money ahead just buying a Japanese Duo instead of another converter. Having said that, I still think the US TG16/CD system lasts longer than the Duo's (in my experience) and they're just so much cooler!(in my opinion)  


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Re: re
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2002, 09:20:00 AM »
A few games don't work well with the Arcade Card Pro in my experiences. I know that I can play Forgotten Worlds fine on my Core Grafx and CD add on.

Personally I think your just better off just having a Japanese system and not having to mess around with converters and such. All US cd titles work fine on a Japanese system. You qwon't be able to play US hucards but their only maybe like 4 that really have much text and were released in english like Military madness, Dungeon Explorer and Neutopia 1 and 2. PLus finding Japanese hucards is generally easier than finding the US conterparts of certain games.

In my experiences the Core Grafx/PC Engine/ Turbo Grafx 16 and cd add on lasts longer. I've had 2 Duos die on me in over 4 years so I wouldn't recommend them. Persoanlly I think the Coregrafx and cd add on looks the best

Also the purple converter is one of those TV game converters.


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« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2002, 10:30:00 AM »

I have this funky looking converter, it is mostly black and has some japanese text on top.  I can take a pic of it and put it up on here to show you.

It works great with some games, but some games don't work well at all (i.e. forgotten worlds).  I haven't tried Japanese hucards yet, I'm trying to get shinobi hucard and some others...

Thanks for the advice, hard to find anyone who knows a lot about pc engine around here (in southern cali).  Most of my friends don't know what pc engine is..hehe.




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Re: Converters
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2002, 02:11:00 AM »
If you want show a pic of the coinverter you have as it doesn't sound familiar to me?

Could you list what games you have problems with? Also are the games your playing originals or backups? Do any of the games have scratches on them? Also could be more specific as to what kind of problems you have with them? Can you a tleast get them to load up to the title screen? Keep in mind that some titles don't work well with the ACP. Do you have normal 3.0 card you can try the games with it?

A few other things you could try is when you put the cd in see what position the lens is in. Somtimes games load better if the lens is in the middle of the system. lighty push the lends to the middle of the system. Another thing you could try is try inserting the cd in different postions like have the text on the cd face towards you, away from or to the side and sometime that works. I know I have a few games like Gain round that soemtimes just don't want to load for whatever reason.