Joe Smith doesn't care about translated titles and why should he/she? What matters is that more good games get released. The translation part is just a formality, like the emulation. If Hudson brings out only the better TG-16 games and follows them wiith above average PC Engine games, it'd probably be a low cost/risk profitable venture for them.
I think we are arguing the same point
The reason it would be pointless to bring translations out is precisely because Joe doesn't care
A quote from my wife's 31 year old boss who wants to pick up a Wii himself: "What's a Bomberman?"
So far Joe Smith seems pretty happy with the way the TG-16 VC releases have been going so far. If Hudson continues to bring out quality titles for roughly the same price as NES VC games, then the target audience will continue to make Hudson money.
If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it. Again, the only people that I am aware of who are demanding translated games are us and our kin
The Wii targets the casual gamer, we're all relatively hardcore.
If Jane Smith was only going to buy 5 or 6 VC titles ever, then the VC would already be a failure. Just as regular console games and movies and TV shows are being produced, it only makes sense to bring out more VC games. Since there's a small limited number of TG-16 games in general, let alone above average/universal games, bring over imports makes more sense than any of the other North American VC formats.
Please tell me that people aren't fanboying it up in VC - sticking to one console? When the TG16 library runs out, people will move to one of the other consoles. If that was the end of all VC games as we know it, then yes importing and translating makes good sense.
What indication do you have that the average Wii owner will buy more than 5 or 6 VC titles? I'm a huge fan, and I will probably only buy a handful myself. My dad won't buy a single one, neither will my mother or her boyfriend. I know some people who *might* pick up one or two. The rest are you guys
Why would it be a failure at only 5 or 6 titles? Seems like a lot to me. I think it makes more sense to end it when the library is done and move on to something else like this "other" downloadble content we are hearing about. Who knows, maybe we can expect PSX VC games in a few years
. Seems like everyone is worried about what is going to happen when Hudson runs out of games to VC-ize
I have a feeling Hudson will stretch it out for 3 or 4 years down the road, maybe the full life of the Wii.
I honestly don't think it costs very much at all to put together a VC game, translated or otherwise. Even if it did cost as much as $100,000, thats basically free in this age of $20 million games with $20 million ad campaigns. Plus Hudson doesn't need to worry about manufacturing or distribution headaches or even advertising. They just sit back and rake in the dough. Their only concern is nerds complainly about the quality of the emulation on their forums.
Don't be too sure about that, why the week delay for Vigilante? Why the delay for Dungeon Explorer? Military Madness not 100%? Problems? What? No such thing, just throw it on the VC and hope it works and people buy it
I think there is a lot more involved than you realize
The great thing with the older games out is that they have, or at least their series has, already been advertised before, many times, in fact recently in some cases (Bonk, Bomberman). I would really love to see some demographics, but I'm willing to bet that Joe Smith Jr. (aka young kids) is not interested in the VC games
I wouldn't be if I was new to gaming today. This means the people who are shelling out for VC games have likely seen the advertisements already.
What are you going to do for a translated game? Just throw it on and hope people download it? Gotta do some homework even before the translation process even begins (focus groups, licensing concerns if any, etc.) Do you think Working Designs translated Parasol Stars or Cadash in a day?
Maybe a week or two, but that was their business.
Bottom line is a translation only adds cost to what's already being done today for considerably cheaper and will only happen as a last resort kind of thing. It will only be successful if it is launched at an appropriate time as well.