I'm at the end of the game, but, I can't for the life of me remember how to get into the rest of the ruins. Basically, where you find Yuri the Engineer. There's more to the ruins that I can't access, & I think I've done it in the past, but, I can't remember how. Anybody?
Also, is there a miniquest for the everbody? It seems like I didn't have any miniquests for Riot, Gwen, B E, Shun, Miriam, Xan, or Yuri, though, maybe only the main char's have quests? I did the woods as Dorz quest, I did the cave challenge thing for Alex, I did the hideout thing for Ardin, I did the religious thing for Sorin, I the elf villiage for Fina, & I did the locked door in the desert for Sepi(unless, that isn't his miniquest?). But, at the least, I can't figure out Riot's.