Anime Freak Vol 1
Anime Freak Vol 2
Ah! My Goddess
Angelique Special 2
Battle Heat
Blue Breaker
Boundary Gate: Daughter of Kingdom
Can Can Bunny DX
Chip Can Kick!
Classmates II
Der Langrisser FX (Warsong 2)
Detective Ladies
Dragon Knight IV
Far East of Eden- Karakuri Kakutoden
Last Imperial Prince
Little Cats!
Little Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha
Miraculum: The Last Revelation
Power Dolls FX
Return to Zork
Super God Trooper Zeriogar
Team Innocent
Welcome to Pia Carrot
Yuna FX
Zenki FX- Vajura Fight
That is the entire list of PC-FX games I own currently in my personal collection. All originals, no CD-Rs.
Shown in the pic below is just some of these games, most of what's pictured are extras (including the two decks) that have all recently been sold to forum members. One of those Battle Heats is yours.